UU Fellowships cycle with the seasons, meeting for an ingathering service in the fall called the Water Service and concluding with a Flower Service in the spring. What a tremendous year it has been!! So many have shared gratitude for the speakers and musicians who shared their carefully tended stories and truths, talents and inspiration. I’ve heard people share that they’ve seen my growth in ministry (thank you!! I feel it too). Thank you to all of the volunteers who make this fellowship run vibrantly!

During this summer, we meet for services only once a month and they are less formal outdoor services at public parks. This year, they will take place on the 2nd Sunday of each month. These are great places to introduce someone to CUUF. Much of the behind-the-scenes work is also done at this time, such as preparing programs and themes for the coming year and your Board works on aligning resources to the needs of the fellowship. We’ll be sending monthly emails instead of weekly emails (plus service reminders on Sunday mornings), and your next newsletter will arrive in September.
But remember, we’re still here, working to provide the experience of sanctuary for one another, so we can provide it for the world.

—In community, Rev. Stacy Craig