Our Minister's Reflections
Reflections From Stacy Craig’s Desk
Each year, it feels summer goes too fast. Then the last two weeks of August arrive, and time for another swim, another visitor, another picnic, and all those fresh veggies at farmer’s markets—and, it’s not too much, not too little; it’s just enough. As the Chequamegon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship enters its annual cycle of services, which begins with a communion with water in September and concludes in a celebration of flowers in May, I look forward to re-gathering with you all in the coming season!
Over the summer, I worked on deepening into Unitarian Universalist history and polity (organizational structure and governance). From religious tolerance in Transylvania to the Transcendental movement to movement building today, there are a lot of stories that can guide and inspire, so some of these themes may show up in messages I share. Also, for the past year, your CUUF Worship Committee has been working to engage speakers and topics related to disability justice. This movement promotes the ways our unique bodies are part of expressions of diversity and brings awareness to the often-unconscious bias referred to as ableism. This is where able bodies are perceived as good and disabled are seen as lesser. As I’ve learned more about the disability justice movement, I’ve been reflecting on how the physical spaces where we gather, the songs and liturgy we use, and the philosophies we express contribute to or deter from creating beloved space for the diversity of our embodied existence. If you have feedback, ideas, or concerns related to accessibility in any way, please reach out to me or your CUUF Board members.
I have completed the final requirements for UU Fellowship—the UU equivalent for ordination—and I will present to their panel on September 30. Positive thoughts and prayers appreciated on that day! After wrapping up my work with Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth in May, I learned that another UU community on the shores of Lake Superior was looking for ministry support. It all fell into place and for the coming year, I’ll continue as half-time minister of our fellowship and begin as a quarter-time minister for the Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. There will be some opportunities to learn with and from this fellowship in similar ways as we did with Duluth last year. I spend the first weekend of each month in Houghton and am looking forward to continuing to connect and explore watershed ministry.
As we sang at the All-Poetry Service in August:
Deep peace of the rolling waves to you, deep peace of the shining stars.
Deep peace of the blowing air to you, deep peace of the quiet earth.
In community, Stacy Craig
Thank You!
Thank you.
Thank you for an amazing 2021-2022 service year. We started again on the shores of Long Lake, sharing stories of connections to water. Our services moved up and down the shore of Chequamegon Bay, going virtual as needed, ending at The Club in Washburn for the Annual Flower Service. It was an adventure, to say the least. Over seventy-five volunteers helped create the worship services and special events over the year. I can’t even fathom a guess at the number of hours they contributed. It wasn’t perfect. But it was full of heart, which makes it better than perfect. It took care and thoughtfulness, innovation and a bit of grit. It was, at times, exhausting for many, while also growing conviction and generosity. What is this fellowship we create together? In times that seem impossible even to get by, the Chequamegon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship shows signs of thriving. Thank you. It is truly something remarkable to witness and be a part of.
This summer is a time when committees take a break or begin planning for the year to come. We’ll have simpler services once per month along with small group gatherings. Summer is also a time when I meet with individuals or families to get to know your interests and hopes for the fellowship, along with any joys or concerns you may want to share. If you would like to get together for a visit, don’t hesitate to reach out.
At the end of May my supervised ministry internship with UU Congregation of Duluth is complete. Instead of working a second position, I’ll be using June and July to complete the final requirements for the UU’s Ministerial Formation Committee, which includes writing several essays, reports, and finishing the required reading list (22 more books to go!). I present to the committee in late September for Full Fellowship in Unitarian Universalist ministry.
This summer I feel a deep calling to be present in the moment. These past few years and the potential for the future of our world are too complicated to attach to. One breath at a time…one day at a time… in fellowship with you all. Sounds like a recipe for satisfaction, no matter what comes.
In peace and gratitude,
Stacy Craig
April 2022
In early March, I received a belated graduation gift from my family: a trip to Snow Lodge in Yellowstone National Park. I honestly had no idea what I was getting into.
Yellowstone is approximately 60 miles long by 50 miles wide, or almost 3500 square miles. And in winter, the road is only plowed to Mammoth Hot Springs, located just inside the park’s north entrance. To go further, one goes on skis, snowmobiles, or takes a snowcoach—a converted bus for driving on snow. There are limited trips in and out each day, meaning if you get to the only open site in the interior, Snow Lodge near the Old Faithful Inn, you are one of a few hundred people in this entire expanse.
So there I was, on the Yellowstone Caldera, in winter, with my geyser-a-holic mother. There was no crowd, no traffic, no noise. It was just us in this apocalyptic-like scenery, where formations of all kinds hiss, gurgle, and erupt to let heat and water out of the earth. We adventured to features under the stars to use the senses of smell and hearing to get to know different formations. My favorite was red spouter, a mudpot that sounded like the ocean. One morning we hiked to Morning Glory hot spring and found that the slanted morning light hits the walls of the pool so one can see translucent blue far below the surface. We also learned that morning how quickly one could become trapped in the middle of a bison herd on the move. On a ski to Lonestar Geyser, I saw a pine marten eat a mouse beside me on the trail. My blisters and bruised toes are almost healed, but the memories of wildness and wonder, and especially of earth’s formations under the big night sky, are still vibrant.
We happened to be there on the 150th anniversary of the park. It was a poignant reminder of the impact of what we are capable of when we lead while looking beyond our own time. It’s something I’m holding close as Earth Day approaches. I’ve had the privilege of working with UU Ministry for the Earth for the past few years, and I sat in on their Earth Day service planning meeting this week. As part of their theme—Spring for Change: A Season for Sacred Activism—they are providing a free virtual worship service on Earth Day, Friday April 22, at 11 a.m. The service includes a commissioned hymn and the composer shared that she believed in Pete Seeger’s statement that the right song at the right time can change history. She is putting that energy into developing the song. You can learn more about the service and sign up to view it at:
In spending time in the raw power of earth’s formations and working with UU Ministry for Earth and the UU at the UN Intergenerational Spring Seminar, I’ve never been more aware of the implications of a warming planet. And although it will take all of us, I’ve never been more hopeful that we can weather the storms of climate change and shift into a community that believes in safeguarding the future earth that generations will inherit in 150 years. I have been to one of those promised lands, and it is good.
In peace, Stacy Craig
March Is Upon Us
March is the month when we celebrate New Member Sunday, offer Get to Know UU sessions, and hold the ritual of signing the collective book at the New Member Service, this year on March 27. If you are exploring CUUF as a spiritual home or want to deepen your relationship with the fellowship, please take a look at the article Pathways to Belonging in this newsletter. In the words of Thich Nhat Hahn, “The larger your beloved community, the more you can accomplish in the world.”
We will be returning to in-person worship in March. Services will be at The Club in Washburn and will also be live-streamed online. Please don’t feel obligated to come in person. If you are not ready to be back in person, or if your health prevents this, we will do our best to provide a high quality and interactive live stream experience as well. We tentatively plan to use this format and location through the end of the service year in May. We will be innovating along the way to keep learning and improving the worship experience for everyone.
March is usually when the sap begins to run, when the black bears birth cubs deep in the den, and the first hues of mud season begin their brown displays. It is when we celebrate National Day of Unplugging (March 2), International Women’s Day (March 8), World Water Day (March 22), and International Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31). It is also the start of the Sacred Season of Activism through UU Ministry for Earth—see uumfe.org for more information.
Wherever this month finds you, with whatever hopes, dreams, or aspirations, remember to go slowly, stay connected, and take it one breath at a time.
In peace,
Time Is Now
As I have been preparing ideas for the February 6 service on our relationship with time, I’ve been reflecting on the time we are in now. It’s February. We spent time in lockdown and isolation trying to control the contagion, and the great efforts and sacrifices saved lives—many of whom we don’t even know. Now we are in a new stage where the variants are so contagious they cannot be controlled, and our leaders are trying to keep disruptions to schools, healthcare, and the economy to a minimum while encouraging vaccines as the best way to prevent serious illness and death. If the models are correct, the omicron variant should have peaked by the time you read this. The steep climb of infections is predicted to be followed by a steep decline. While we let this wave of COVID crash across our lives, we’ll gather virtually for worship services, with a strong hope that we’ll move to all in-person plus live-streamed services starting in March.
All plans are subject to reality.
One of the most typical responses to vulnerability is to shield. This can include numbing (whatever this looks like for each individual) and disconnecting from others. I’d like to encourage you to make February a month of connection. If pandemic time is characterized by isolation, it could also be characterized as the time when we learned new ways to stay connected. Find safe ways to stay connected: call someone on the phone every day, ask a friend or neighbor to have an outdoor driveway chat, be authentically glad to see those at the store or post office, write a card, start a gratitude text exchange, speak to a bird, bake something for someone, send valentines to librarians, healthcare workers, or anyone you’ve appreciated lately. Let’s not wait to connect when it is safer/warmer/happier/easier. What does it mean to embrace the phrase: the time is now?
In care, Stacy Craig
Wellness for 2022
How can one weep for someone one has never met? This is the question that went through my mind as I sobbed reading the news that Archbishop Desmond Tutu had died. He died at the age of 90 on December 26, 2021. Perhaps you have a prophetic voice—a writer, speaker, singer, or even a friend—who has been deeply impactful in your life. For me, it is Desmond Tutu. His work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa and his commitment to restorative justice are things I’ve returned to again and again during times of upheaval and instances of injustice. The thing about Arch, as he was affectionately called, was that he held all sides accountable. What I learned from him was how to stop ‘othering’ and instead consider common humanity. I learned forgiveness. His work has deepened my understanding of collective trauma and inspired the vision for collective healing.
During the month of January, through small groups and in worship, we’ll be exploring intention. Intention is, I believe, living into one’s self and truth no matter the circumstances one is in. Often, I find myself reacting to conditions and allowing this to dictate where my attention goes. Bringing attention back to intention is freeing oneself from being swung around by external forces. I feel being true to his intention of peace and reconciliation is something Desmond Tutu demonstrated and manifested in all aspects of his work. In celebration of his life, work, and joy, and in celebration of all those who carry the intention for peace and reconciliation, I’ve requested to screen Mission Joy: Finding Happiness in Troubled Times on Monday, January 17, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Wellness to you in the New Year! May intention help lead the way into 2022.
This past month, I was reminded of how interwoven our lives are in the Chequamegon Bay. Whether it is the care and wisdom of an elder; showing up wholeheartedly in one’s job, in community service or leadership; or avocations such as music and theater, we take care of one another. Our lives inevitably intersect in profound ways that are, perhaps, only possible in rural settings. The cycle is powerful, perhaps even numinous. For example, the CUUF Board sees stress points and provides problem-solving leadership and care, allowing me and others to adapt and innovate to connect with more people, which in turn allows us to care for those who are caring for others and for us. Sometimes there are flashes of insight and I had this over the last month. This… this… is the possibility of what Rev. Dr. King and others have called Beloved Community.
All of this requires deep connection, which is even more complicated than usual during the ongoing high rates of COVID in our area. As we move forward with planning an in-person holiday service, there is much care and consideration in how to do this to maximize connection and reduce risk. This means we are prioritizing connection over perfection and care over convenience. No one should feel obligated to come in person just because there is an in-person option. We see you, and we’ll do our best to create a livestreamed service that helps you “be in the room” from wherever you are. We hope that the outdoor spiral and outdoor fellowship after the service will provide some middle ground for low-risk connections.
If you or those around you have needs that are not being met, please reach out so we can begin working towards new possibilities. Some of these changes are slow and some are tricky but know there is an enveloping circle of care in this region. Let’s stay resilient, together.
In peace and care,
Stacy Craig
Finding Our Spiritual Foundation
Many people who find a spiritual home with Unitarian Universalism (UU) didn’t grow up in this tradition, and I frequently get the question: where did UU come from? Some traditions, including religious traditions, live in the past. Others forget their roots and are blown into whatever modern fad speaks to them. UU fellowships today look different from where they came from. UU Historian Susan Ritchie believes that to know one’s history is a bit radical for our times as we are often swayed by popular culture. History, she says, helps us preserve identity and what makes us distinct.
American Unitarianism and Universalism began as two separate entities yet they both started in North America. Unitarian’s ancestry can be traced back to a liberal branch of the Puritans who split away. They adopted the Puritan’s radical organizational model: that centralized power corrupts the church and so the laity, the people, through a democratic process, govern and choose their leadership. The people voluntarily contribute funds to the church, which is where the tradition of offering plates arose. There is no higher authority yet churches are affiliated with one another and connected through a larger spiritual covenant.
Some have credited the Unitarians with forming our current system of democracy and while this is likely a stretch, it is clear that Unitarians were influential in developing the democratic process we still use today. We also see many of the early Unitarian traditions in our fellowships today: self-organized, self-governed, and they call their own ministers. Lay leadership is key, the democratic process is used throughout the system to make decisions, while consent, voluntary contributions and covenant inform how they gather.
This early Unitarian split also began articulating the source of truth. The Puritans held the Bible as authority. Unitarian thinkers and writers, including the Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Ellery Channing, began to explore how logic may also be a source of truth, and what is on the inside–what is true to us–could also be a source of truth. Today we see this as well in UU communities, who affirm truth both from outside sources such as science, Jewish and Christian traditions, and humanist writings, along with internal sources of truth such as the voice of consciousness.
Universalism wasn’t a branch that grew off from a tradition, but is likened to a field of wildflowers that popped up around the countryside. Universalism, I would say, was a reframing of what was told as an ultimate truth of the Protestant churches at the time: our souls are eternal and some of us are going to burn in a painful, awful hell forever, and there might be nothing we can do about it. This is, essentially, the Calvinist doctrine of double pre-destination. What became to be known as Universalists were people and communities who said ‘no’ to this supposed truth. Instead, God’s love embraces us all–a universal salvation–and we don’t need the threat of hell because doing good is part of being human. Circuit riders brought this message to rural areas of Pennsylvania and New England, and it took hold in people’s hearts and minds who then formed churches. There is a famous Universalist story that a man named Thomas Potter built a chapel in 1760 because he believed that someone would eventually come to preach a gospel of love. The chapel sat empty for ten years until Potter met John Murray, who had been excommunicated because he believed in an all-loving God. Potter asked Murray to preach at his chapel and Murray declined, saying he was going back to Europe. Potter asked that if the wind didn’t blow and the ship was unable to depart, that Murray would just preach once. The wind didn’t blow, Murray preached to a packed chapel on Sunday morning, and Murray stayed and the first Universalist congregation was founded in the U.S.
The Universalist church was described as a family, and the most confusing thing for members was when they invited someone to join their family and they were refused. Those whom the family symbol resonated with, such as union workers who believed in the brotherhood of man, found Universalist churches to resonate, as a spiritual home.
Using the language of spiritual home and spiritual family is not some feel good cliché, but is actually rooted in this tradition. Unitarian Universalists merged to become a consolidated identity in 1961 and they brought many of their distinct traditions with them but worked to find common ground as well. In the 1980’s, a group of women requested UU principles be reviewed to include gender inclusive language. This opened up a whole process of retelling the story of who we are. Using grassroots, democratic process of engaging congregations and fellowships in study and dialogue, the sources of belief were separated out from the principles. The six sources allow for the plurality and diversity of beliefs, while the seven principles articulate the theological common ground of the UU faith. If there is a shared belief perhaps it is this: by honoring diversity and plurality, we can achieve a unity to heal a fractured world. If this is what you are looking for, welcome home!
Time to Get Back to Normal
How often have I said over the past year, “When things get back to normal…” knowing full well that I do not want to return to many of the ways that things were, nor call them normal. Yet life has a sense of suspended reality to it. It’s difficult to live in the present when everything feels like it is shifting on a continuous basis. As with any change, the challenge is to find a new normal when we aren’t even sure what is possible. I’ve reflected with several people about this topic and we can all find things that we want to be a part of a new normal:
- Daily practice of self-care.
- Daily walk(s), especially exploring one’s own city, roads, or parks.
- Slowing down with family.
- Playing music/singing on a daily basis.
- Investing time and energy into the things that give back to us.
As the Worship Committee met last fall, we began to see a theme emerge in the speakers that were being proposed: they all spoke to what was being unveiled during this time of change. Our speakers in 2021 will engage some of the systems, practices, and opportunities that we may want to consider for a new normal. As we begin a New Year, let us take time to listen to that which calls us to reconnect as a global community whose fate and health are interconnected.
In peace,
Stacy Craig
From the Minister’s Desk: In this Together

From the Minister’s Desk: In this Together
On September 23, I tuned in to the UU the Vote “Gather the Spirit” event. It started with a DJ spinning records as we were reminded that what we are working for—promoting a strong democracy, countering voter suppression, and community organizing—is something to celebrate and should be pleasurable.
There are several goals for UU the Vote but number one is that every person in a UU fellowship across the country will vote. The service included highlights from fellowships which are sending postcards, organizing phone and texting banks, and finding creative ways to reach out to voters. As we heard highlights from around the country, one of the organizers reminded us that a honeybee produces 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. When it feels like goals and challenges are insurmountable, we don’t need to work harder. We need to work together. Take shifts for the revolution.
While I really enjoyed this event, what is gnawing at me right now is that I’ve noticed a growing gulf between neighbors, family members, and friends. I feel like I’m being asked to take sides that I don’t believe in. I feel like everyone is working for a revolution, but we’re not working for the same one. In my bi-monthly column for the Ashland Daily Press, I wrote about how the Enneagram has been helping me to connect to others, and I’ve received a lot of positive feedback from it. Below is an excerpt from the article as I know not everyone gets the paper.
As the U.S. presidential election nears, when our differences can be more divisive than ever, I’ve found working with the Enneagram to be especially helpful in finding connection with others and calm within myself.
The word Enneagram comes from the Greek words Ennea, which means nine, and gram, which means a figure. It describes an ancient figure, one that predates Greek culture, of a diagram with a circle enclosing a nine-pointed star. Many Greek philosophers engaged the Enneagram as a way of talking about the way the ego and soul could become disconnected, or as a way to explain the soul, or elements of our beings that were eternal. The Christian Desert Fathers engaged the Enneagram, as did Islamic mystics, such as Sufis. The ancient symbols and interpretations have made a resurgence in the past fifty years. The current research and application of the Enneagram is similar to Myers-Briggs or other personality tests which help to identify different patterns of thought, feeling, and action. These patterns were created as we developed to help us survive but also to find satisfaction. The Enneagram is based on the premise that there are nine categories which describe our personality patterns and the implications they have for shielding, or protecting, ourselves. To be aware of this is to understand how we relate to times of stress and safety.
One of my professors, John Lee, said to me once that we must know the self to lose the self. We were discussing how the spiritual practice of centering prayer offers an emptying of the self to create a direct connection with the divine. Mystical traditions especially focus on the practices of recognizing the ego self as just one layer of our beings. The Enneagram provides a tool for this self-emptying through self-awareness, which can help us integrate the spiritual aspects of our lives.
After engaging several books and the online tools on The Enneagram Institute’s website, I have concluded that I am a seven. The Enneagram teaches me that I often find distractions, especially pleasureful ones, when I encounter pain or hardship. As I see more hostility on both sides of the political spectrum during election season, I feel myself wanting to change the radio, to change the conversation, to try to make everything better with a good meal and a walk in the woods. Yet I am a spiritual being, one that relies on connection and who knows that we all have a common destiny. While I am intolerant to hate or things that cause another harm, I can use the Enneagram to help me accept differences, to stay curious about others’ thoughts and actions, and to understand my own patterns which lead to disconnection.
Respecting our differences also helps me know how to apply the Platinum Rule: to treat people not as how I would want to be treated, but how they would like to be treated. After all, if there’s one thing we’ve learned this year, it’s that we are all in this together.
Each year, it feels summer goes too fast. Then the last two weeks of August arrive, and time for another swim, another visitor, another picnic, and all those fresh veggies at farmer’s markets—and, it’s not too much, not too little; it’s just enough. As the Chequamegon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship enters its annual cycle of services, which begins with a communion with water in September and concludes in a celebration of flowers in May, I look forward to re-gathering with you all in the coming season!
Over the summer, I worked on deepening into Unitarian Universalist history and polity (organizational structure and governance). From religious tolerance in Transylvania to the Transcendental movement to movement building today, there are a lot of stories that can guide and inspire, so some of these themes may show up in messages I share. Also, for the past year, your CUUF Worship Committee has been working to engage speakers and topics related to disability justice. This movement promotes the ways our unique bodies are part of expressions of diversity and brings awareness to the often-unconscious bias referred to as ableism. This is where able bodies are perceived as good and disabled are seen as lesser. As I’ve learned more about the disability justice movement, I’ve been reflecting on how the physical spaces where we gather, the songs and liturgy we use, and the philosophies we express contribute to or deter from creating beloved space for the diversity of our embodied existence. If you have feedback, ideas, or concerns related to accessibility in any way, please reach out to me or your CUUF Board members.
I have completed the final requirements for UU Fellowship—the UU equivalent for ordination—and I will present to their panel on September 30. Positive thoughts and prayers appreciated on that day! After wrapping up my work with Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth in May, I learned that another UU community on the shores of Lake Superior was looking for ministry support. It all fell into place and for the coming year, I’ll continue as half-time minister of our fellowship and begin as a quarter-time minister for the Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. There will be some opportunities to learn with and from this fellowship in similar ways as we did with Duluth last year. I spend the first weekend of each month in Houghton and am looking forward to continuing to connect and explore watershed ministry.
As we sang at the All-Poetry Service in August:
Deep peace of the rolling waves to you, deep peace of the shining stars.
Deep peace of the blowing air to you, deep peace of the quiet earth.
In community, Stacy Craig
Thank You!
Thank you.
Thank you for an amazing 2021-2022 service year. We started again on the shores of Long Lake, sharing stories of connections to water. Our services moved up and down the shore of Chequamegon Bay, going virtual as needed, ending at The Club in Washburn for the Annual Flower Service. It was an adventure, to say the least. Over seventy-five volunteers helped create the worship services and special events over the year. I can’t even fathom a guess at the number of hours they contributed. It wasn’t perfect. But it was full of heart, which makes it better than perfect. It took care and thoughtfulness, innovation and a bit of grit. It was, at times, exhausting for many, while also growing conviction and generosity. What is this fellowship we create together? In times that seem impossible even to get by, the Chequamegon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship shows signs of thriving. Thank you. It is truly something remarkable to witness and be a part of.
This summer is a time when committees take a break or begin planning for the year to come. We’ll have simpler services once per month along with small group gatherings. Summer is also a time when I meet with individuals or families to get to know your interests and hopes for the fellowship, along with any joys or concerns you may want to share. If you would like to get together for a visit, don’t hesitate to reach out.
At the end of May my supervised ministry internship with UU Congregation of Duluth is complete. Instead of working a second position, I’ll be using June and July to complete the final requirements for the UU’s Ministerial Formation Committee, which includes writing several essays, reports, and finishing the required reading list (22 more books to go!). I present to the committee in late September for Full Fellowship in Unitarian Universalist ministry.
This summer I feel a deep calling to be present in the moment. These past few years and the potential for the future of our world are too complicated to attach to. One breath at a time…one day at a time… in fellowship with you all. Sounds like a recipe for satisfaction, no matter what comes.
In peace and gratitude,
Stacy Craig
April 2022
In early March, I received a belated graduation gift from my family: a trip to Snow Lodge in Yellowstone National Park. I honestly had no idea what I was getting into.
Yellowstone is approximately 60 miles long by 50 miles wide, or almost 3500 square miles. And in winter, the road is only plowed to Mammoth Hot Springs, located just inside the park’s north entrance. To go further, one goes on skis, snowmobiles, or takes a snowcoach—a converted bus for driving on snow. There are limited trips in and out each day, meaning if you get to the only open site in the interior, Snow Lodge near the Old Faithful Inn, you are one of a few hundred people in this entire expanse.
So there I was, on the Yellowstone Caldera, in winter, with my geyser-a-holic mother. There was no crowd, no traffic, no noise. It was just us in this apocalyptic-like scenery, where formations of all kinds hiss, gurgle, and erupt to let heat and water out of the earth. We adventured to features under the stars to use the senses of smell and hearing to get to know different formations. My favorite was red spouter, a mudpot that sounded like the ocean. One morning we hiked to Morning Glory hot spring and found that the slanted morning light hits the walls of the pool so one can see translucent blue far below the surface. We also learned that morning how quickly one could become trapped in the middle of a bison herd on the move. On a ski to Lonestar Geyser, I saw a pine marten eat a mouse beside me on the trail. My blisters and bruised toes are almost healed, but the memories of wildness and wonder, and especially of earth’s formations under the big night sky, are still vibrant.
We happened to be there on the 150th anniversary of the park. It was a poignant reminder of the impact of what we are capable of when we lead while looking beyond our own time. It’s something I’m holding close as Earth Day approaches. I’ve had the privilege of working with UU Ministry for the Earth for the past few years, and I sat in on their Earth Day service planning meeting this week. As part of their theme—Spring for Change: A Season for Sacred Activism—they are providing a free virtual worship service on Earth Day, Friday April 22, at 11 a.m. The service includes a commissioned hymn and the composer shared that she believed in Pete Seeger’s statement that the right song at the right time can change history. She is putting that energy into developing the song. You can learn more about the service and sign up to view it at:
In spending time in the raw power of earth’s formations and working with UU Ministry for Earth and the UU at the UN Intergenerational Spring Seminar, I’ve never been more aware of the implications of a warming planet. And although it will take all of us, I’ve never been more hopeful that we can weather the storms of climate change and shift into a community that believes in safeguarding the future earth that generations will inherit in 150 years. I have been to one of those promised lands, and it is good.
In peace, Stacy Craig
March Is Upon Us
March is the month when we celebrate New Member Sunday, offer Get to Know UU sessions, and hold the ritual of signing the collective book at the New Member Service, this year on March 27. If you are exploring CUUF as a spiritual home or want to deepen your relationship with the fellowship, please take a look at the article Pathways to Belonging in this newsletter. In the words of Thich Nhat Hahn, “The larger your beloved community, the more you can accomplish in the world.”
We will be returning to in-person worship in March. Services will be at The Club in Washburn and will also be live-streamed online. Please don’t feel obligated to come in person. If you are not ready to be back in person, or if your health prevents this, we will do our best to provide a high quality and interactive live stream experience as well. We tentatively plan to use this format and location through the end of the service year in May. We will be innovating along the way to keep learning and improving the worship experience for everyone.
March is usually when the sap begins to run, when the black bears birth cubs deep in the den, and the first hues of mud season begin their brown displays. It is when we celebrate National Day of Unplugging (March 2), International Women’s Day (March 8), World Water Day (March 22), and International Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31). It is also the start of the Sacred Season of Activism through UU Ministry for Earth—see uumfe.org for more information.
Wherever this month finds you, with whatever hopes, dreams, or aspirations, remember to go slowly, stay connected, and take it one breath at a time.
In peace,
Time Is Now
As I have been preparing ideas for the February 6 service on our relationship with time, I’ve been reflecting on the time we are in now. It’s February. We spent time in lockdown and isolation trying to control the contagion, and the great efforts and sacrifices saved lives—many of whom we don’t even know. Now we are in a new stage where the variants are so contagious they cannot be controlled, and our leaders are trying to keep disruptions to schools, healthcare, and the economy to a minimum while encouraging vaccines as the best way to prevent serious illness and death. If the models are correct, the omicron variant should have peaked by the time you read this. The steep climb of infections is predicted to be followed by a steep decline. While we let this wave of COVID crash across our lives, we’ll gather virtually for worship services, with a strong hope that we’ll move to all in-person plus live-streamed services starting in March.
All plans are subject to reality.
One of the most typical responses to vulnerability is to shield. This can include numbing (whatever this looks like for each individual) and disconnecting from others. I’d like to encourage you to make February a month of connection. If pandemic time is characterized by isolation, it could also be characterized as the time when we learned new ways to stay connected. Find safe ways to stay connected: call someone on the phone every day, ask a friend or neighbor to have an outdoor driveway chat, be authentically glad to see those at the store or post office, write a card, start a gratitude text exchange, speak to a bird, bake something for someone, send valentines to librarians, healthcare workers, or anyone you’ve appreciated lately. Let’s not wait to connect when it is safer/warmer/happier/easier. What does it mean to embrace the phrase: the time is now?
In care, Stacy Craig
Wellness for 2022
How can one weep for someone one has never met? This is the question that went through my mind as I sobbed reading the news that Archbishop Desmond Tutu had died. He died at the age of 90 on December 26, 2021. Perhaps you have a prophetic voice—a writer, speaker, singer, or even a friend—who has been deeply impactful in your life. For me, it is Desmond Tutu. His work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa and his commitment to restorative justice are things I’ve returned to again and again during times of upheaval and instances of injustice. The thing about Arch, as he was affectionately called, was that he held all sides accountable. What I learned from him was how to stop ‘othering’ and instead consider common humanity. I learned forgiveness. His work has deepened my understanding of collective trauma and inspired the vision for collective healing.
During the month of January, through small groups and in worship, we’ll be exploring intention. Intention is, I believe, living into one’s self and truth no matter the circumstances one is in. Often, I find myself reacting to conditions and allowing this to dictate where my attention goes. Bringing attention back to intention is freeing oneself from being swung around by external forces. I feel being true to his intention of peace and reconciliation is something Desmond Tutu demonstrated and manifested in all aspects of his work. In celebration of his life, work, and joy, and in celebration of all those who carry the intention for peace and reconciliation, I’ve requested to screen Mission Joy: Finding Happiness in Troubled Times on Monday, January 17, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Wellness to you in the New Year! May intention help lead the way into 2022.
This past month, I was reminded of how interwoven our lives are in the Chequamegon Bay. Whether it is the care and wisdom of an elder; showing up wholeheartedly in one’s job, in community service or leadership; or avocations such as music and theater, we take care of one another. Our lives inevitably intersect in profound ways that are, perhaps, only possible in rural settings. The cycle is powerful, perhaps even numinous. For example, the CUUF Board sees stress points and provides problem-solving leadership and care, allowing me and others to adapt and innovate to connect with more people, which in turn allows us to care for those who are caring for others and for us. Sometimes there are flashes of insight and I had this over the last month. This… this… is the possibility of what Rev. Dr. King and others have called Beloved Community.
All of this requires deep connection, which is even more complicated than usual during the ongoing high rates of COVID in our area. As we move forward with planning an in-person holiday service, there is much care and consideration in how to do this to maximize connection and reduce risk. This means we are prioritizing connection over perfection and care over convenience. No one should feel obligated to come in person just because there is an in-person option. We see you, and we’ll do our best to create a livestreamed service that helps you “be in the room” from wherever you are. We hope that the outdoor spiral and outdoor fellowship after the service will provide some middle ground for low-risk connections.
If you or those around you have needs that are not being met, please reach out so we can begin working towards new possibilities. Some of these changes are slow and some are tricky but know there is an enveloping circle of care in this region. Let’s stay resilient, together.
In peace and care,
Stacy Craig
Finding Our Spiritual Foundation
Many people who find a spiritual home with Unitarian Universalism (UU) didn’t grow up in this tradition, and I frequently get the question: where did UU come from? Some traditions, including religious traditions, live in the past. Others forget their roots and are blown into whatever modern fad speaks to them. UU fellowships today look different from where they came from. UU Historian Susan Ritchie believes that to know one’s history is a bit radical for our times as we are often swayed by popular culture. History, she says, helps us preserve identity and what makes us distinct.
American Unitarianism and Universalism began as two separate entities yet they both started in North America. Unitarian’s ancestry can be traced back to a liberal branch of the Puritans who split away. They adopted the Puritan’s radical organizational model: that centralized power corrupts the church and so the laity, the people, through a democratic process, govern and choose their leadership. The people voluntarily contribute funds to the church, which is where the tradition of offering plates arose. There is no higher authority yet churches are affiliated with one another and connected through a larger spiritual covenant.
Some have credited the Unitarians with forming our current system of democracy and while this is likely a stretch, it is clear that Unitarians were influential in developing the democratic process we still use today. We also see many of the early Unitarian traditions in our fellowships today: self-organized, self-governed, and they call their own ministers. Lay leadership is key, the democratic process is used throughout the system to make decisions, while consent, voluntary contributions and covenant inform how they gather.
This early Unitarian split also began articulating the source of truth. The Puritans held the Bible as authority. Unitarian thinkers and writers, including the Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Ellery Channing, began to explore how logic may also be a source of truth, and what is on the inside–what is true to us–could also be a source of truth. Today we see this as well in UU communities, who affirm truth both from outside sources such as science, Jewish and Christian traditions, and humanist writings, along with internal sources of truth such as the voice of consciousness.
Universalism wasn’t a branch that grew off from a tradition, but is likened to a field of wildflowers that popped up around the countryside. Universalism, I would say, was a reframing of what was told as an ultimate truth of the Protestant churches at the time: our souls are eternal and some of us are going to burn in a painful, awful hell forever, and there might be nothing we can do about it. This is, essentially, the Calvinist doctrine of double pre-destination. What became to be known as Universalists were people and communities who said ‘no’ to this supposed truth. Instead, God’s love embraces us all–a universal salvation–and we don’t need the threat of hell because doing good is part of being human. Circuit riders brought this message to rural areas of Pennsylvania and New England, and it took hold in people’s hearts and minds who then formed churches. There is a famous Universalist story that a man named Thomas Potter built a chapel in 1760 because he believed that someone would eventually come to preach a gospel of love. The chapel sat empty for ten years until Potter met John Murray, who had been excommunicated because he believed in an all-loving God. Potter asked Murray to preach at his chapel and Murray declined, saying he was going back to Europe. Potter asked that if the wind didn’t blow and the ship was unable to depart, that Murray would just preach once. The wind didn’t blow, Murray preached to a packed chapel on Sunday morning, and Murray stayed and the first Universalist congregation was founded in the U.S.
The Universalist church was described as a family, and the most confusing thing for members was when they invited someone to join their family and they were refused. Those whom the family symbol resonated with, such as union workers who believed in the brotherhood of man, found Universalist churches to resonate, as a spiritual home.
Using the language of spiritual home and spiritual family is not some feel good cliché, but is actually rooted in this tradition. Unitarian Universalists merged to become a consolidated identity in 1961 and they brought many of their distinct traditions with them but worked to find common ground as well. In the 1980’s, a group of women requested UU principles be reviewed to include gender inclusive language. This opened up a whole process of retelling the story of who we are. Using grassroots, democratic process of engaging congregations and fellowships in study and dialogue, the sources of belief were separated out from the principles. The six sources allow for the plurality and diversity of beliefs, while the seven principles articulate the theological common ground of the UU faith. If there is a shared belief perhaps it is this: by honoring diversity and plurality, we can achieve a unity to heal a fractured world. If this is what you are looking for, welcome home!
Time to Get Back to Normal
How often have I said over the past year, “When things get back to normal…” knowing full well that I do not want to return to many of the ways that things were, nor call them normal. Yet life has a sense of suspended reality to it. It’s difficult to live in the present when everything feels like it is shifting on a continuous basis. As with any change, the challenge is to find a new normal when we aren’t even sure what is possible. I’ve reflected with several people about this topic and we can all find things that we want to be a part of a new normal:
- Daily practice of self-care.
- Daily walk(s), especially exploring one’s own city, roads, or parks.
- Slowing down with family.
- Playing music/singing on a daily basis.
- Investing time and energy into the things that give back to us.
As the Worship Committee met last fall, we began to see a theme emerge in the speakers that were being proposed: they all spoke to what was being unveiled during this time of change. Our speakers in 2021 will engage some of the systems, practices, and opportunities that we may want to consider for a new normal. As we begin a New Year, let us take time to listen to that which calls us to reconnect as a global community whose fate and health are interconnected.
In peace,
Stacy Craig
From the Minister’s Desk: In this Together

From the Minister’s Desk: In this Together
On September 23, I tuned in to the UU the Vote “Gather the Spirit” event. It started with a DJ spinning records as we were reminded that what we are working for—promoting a strong democracy, countering voter suppression, and community organizing—is something to celebrate and should be pleasurable.
There are several goals for UU the Vote but number one is that every person in a UU fellowship across the country will vote. The service included highlights from fellowships which are sending postcards, organizing phone and texting banks, and finding creative ways to reach out to voters. As we heard highlights from around the country, one of the organizers reminded us that a honeybee produces 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. When it feels like goals and challenges are insurmountable, we don’t need to work harder. We need to work together. Take shifts for the revolution.
While I really enjoyed this event, what is gnawing at me right now is that I’ve noticed a growing gulf between neighbors, family members, and friends. I feel like I’m being asked to take sides that I don’t believe in. I feel like everyone is working for a revolution, but we’re not working for the same one. In my bi-monthly column for the Ashland Daily Press, I wrote about how the Enneagram has been helping me to connect to others, and I’ve received a lot of positive feedback from it. Below is an excerpt from the article as I know not everyone gets the paper.
As the U.S. presidential election nears, when our differences can be more divisive than ever, I’ve found working with the Enneagram to be especially helpful in finding connection with others and calm within myself.
The word Enneagram comes from the Greek words Ennea, which means nine, and gram, which means a figure. It describes an ancient figure, one that predates Greek culture, of a diagram with a circle enclosing a nine-pointed star. Many Greek philosophers engaged the Enneagram as a way of talking about the way the ego and soul could become disconnected, or as a way to explain the soul, or elements of our beings that were eternal. The Christian Desert Fathers engaged the Enneagram, as did Islamic mystics, such as Sufis. The ancient symbols and interpretations have made a resurgence in the past fifty years. The current research and application of the Enneagram is similar to Myers-Briggs or other personality tests which help to identify different patterns of thought, feeling, and action. These patterns were created as we developed to help us survive but also to find satisfaction. The Enneagram is based on the premise that there are nine categories which describe our personality patterns and the implications they have for shielding, or protecting, ourselves. To be aware of this is to understand how we relate to times of stress and safety.
One of my professors, John Lee, said to me once that we must know the self to lose the self. We were discussing how the spiritual practice of centering prayer offers an emptying of the self to create a direct connection with the divine. Mystical traditions especially focus on the practices of recognizing the ego self as just one layer of our beings. The Enneagram provides a tool for this self-emptying through self-awareness, which can help us integrate the spiritual aspects of our lives.
After engaging several books and the online tools on The Enneagram Institute’s website, I have concluded that I am a seven. The Enneagram teaches me that I often find distractions, especially pleasureful ones, when I encounter pain or hardship. As I see more hostility on both sides of the political spectrum during election season, I feel myself wanting to change the radio, to change the conversation, to try to make everything better with a good meal and a walk in the woods. Yet I am a spiritual being, one that relies on connection and who knows that we all have a common destiny. While I am intolerant to hate or things that cause another harm, I can use the Enneagram to help me accept differences, to stay curious about others’ thoughts and actions, and to understand my own patterns which lead to disconnection.
Respecting our differences also helps me know how to apply the Platinum Rule: to treat people not as how I would want to be treated, but how they would like to be treated. After all, if there’s one thing we’ve learned this year, it’s that we are all in this together.
Reflections From Stacy’s Desk
Each year, it feels summer goes too fast. Then the last two weeks of August arrive, and time for another swim, another visitor, another picnic, and all those fresh veggies at farmer’s markets—and, it’s not too much, not too little; it’s just enough. As the Chequamegon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship enters its annual cycle of services, which begins with a communion with water in September and concludes in a celebration of flowers in May, I look forward to re-gathering with you all in the coming season!
Over the summer, I worked on deepening into Unitarian Universalist history and polity (organizational structure and governance). From religious tolerance in Transylvania to the Transcendental movement to movement building today, there are a lot of stories that can guide and inspire, so some of these themes may show up in messages I share. Also, for the past year, your CUUF Worship Committee has been working to engage speakers and topics related to disability justice. This movement promotes the ways our unique bodies are part of expressions of diversity and brings awareness to the often-unconscious bias referred to as ableism. This is where able bodies are perceived as good and disabled are seen as lesser. As I’ve learned more about the disability justice movement, I’ve been reflecting on how the physical spaces where we gather, the songs and liturgy we use, and the philosophies we express contribute to or deter from creating beloved space for the diversity of our embodied existence. If you have feedback, ideas, or concerns related to accessibility in any way, please reach out to me or your CUUF Board members.
I have completed the final requirements for UU Fellowship—the UU equivalent for ordination—and I will present to their panel on September 30. Positive thoughts and prayers appreciated on that day! After wrapping up my work with Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth in May, I learned that another UU community on the shores of Lake Superior was looking for ministry support. It all fell into place and for the coming year, I’ll continue as half-time minister of our fellowship and begin as a quarter-time minister for the Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. There will be some opportunities to learn with and from this fellowship in similar ways as we did with Duluth last year. I spend the first weekend of each month in Houghton and am looking forward to continuing to connect and explore watershed ministry.
As we sang at the All-Poetry Service in August:
Deep peace of the rolling waves to you, deep peace of the shining stars.
Deep peace of the blowing air to you, deep peace of the quiet earth.
In community, Stacy Craig
Thank You!
Thank you.
Thank you for an amazing 2021-2022 service year. We started again on the shores of Long Lake, sharing stories of connections to water. Our services moved up and down the shore of Chequamegon Bay, going virtual as needed, ending at The Club in Washburn for the Annual Flower Service. It was an adventure, to say the least. Over seventy-five volunteers helped create the worship services and special events over the year. I can’t even fathom a guess at the number of hours they contributed. It wasn’t perfect. But it was full of heart, which makes it better than perfect. It took care and thoughtfulness, innovation and a bit of grit. It was, at times, exhausting for many, while also growing conviction and generosity. What is this fellowship we create together? In times that seem impossible even to get by, the Chequamegon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship shows signs of thriving. Thank you. It is truly something remarkable to witness and be a part of.
This summer is a time when committees take a break or begin planning for the year to come. We’ll have simpler services once per month along with small group gatherings. Summer is also a time when I meet with individuals or families to get to know your interests and hopes for the fellowship, along with any joys or concerns you may want to share. If you would like to get together for a visit, don’t hesitate to reach out.
At the end of May my supervised ministry internship with UU Congregation of Duluth is complete. Instead of working a second position, I’ll be using June and July to complete the final requirements for the UU’s Ministerial Formation Committee, which includes writing several essays, reports, and finishing the required reading list (22 more books to go!). I present to the committee in late September for Full Fellowship in Unitarian Universalist ministry.
This summer I feel a deep calling to be present in the moment. These past few years and the potential for the future of our world are too complicated to attach to. One breath at a time…one day at a time… in fellowship with you all. Sounds like a recipe for satisfaction, no matter what comes.
In peace and gratitude,
Stacy Craig
April 2022
In early March, I received a belated graduation gift from my family: a trip to Snow Lodge in Yellowstone National Park. I honestly had no idea what I was getting into.
Yellowstone is approximately 60 miles long by 50 miles wide, or almost 3500 square miles. And in winter, the road is only plowed to Mammoth Hot Springs, located just inside the park’s north entrance. To go further, one goes on skis, snowmobiles, or takes a snowcoach—a converted bus for driving on snow. There are limited trips in and out each day, meaning if you get to the only open site in the interior, Snow Lodge near the Old Faithful Inn, you are one of a few hundred people in this entire expanse.
So there I was, on the Yellowstone Caldera, in winter, with my geyser-a-holic mother. There was no crowd, no traffic, no noise. It was just us in this apocalyptic-like scenery, where formations of all kinds hiss, gurgle, and erupt to let heat and water out of the earth. We adventured to features under the stars to use the senses of smell and hearing to get to know different formations. My favorite was red spouter, a mudpot that sounded like the ocean. One morning we hiked to Morning Glory hot spring and found that the slanted morning light hits the walls of the pool so one can see translucent blue far below the surface. We also learned that morning how quickly one could become trapped in the middle of a bison herd on the move. On a ski to Lonestar Geyser, I saw a pine marten eat a mouse beside me on the trail. My blisters and bruised toes are almost healed, but the memories of wildness and wonder, and especially of earth’s formations under the big night sky, are still vibrant.
We happened to be there on the 150th anniversary of the park. It was a poignant reminder of the impact of what we are capable of when we lead while looking beyond our own time. It’s something I’m holding close as Earth Day approaches. I’ve had the privilege of working with UU Ministry for the Earth for the past few years, and I sat in on their Earth Day service planning meeting this week. As part of their theme—Spring for Change: A Season for Sacred Activism—they are providing a free virtual worship service on Earth Day, Friday April 22, at 11 a.m. The service includes a commissioned hymn and the composer shared that she believed in Pete Seeger’s statement that the right song at the right time can change history. She is putting that energy into developing the song. You can learn more about the service and sign up to view it at:
In spending time in the raw power of earth’s formations and working with UU Ministry for Earth and the UU at the UN Intergenerational Spring Seminar, I’ve never been more aware of the implications of a warming planet. And although it will take all of us, I’ve never been more hopeful that we can weather the storms of climate change and shift into a community that believes in safeguarding the future earth that generations will inherit in 150 years. I have been to one of those promised lands, and it is good.
In peace, Stacy Craig
March Is Upon Us
March is the month when we celebrate New Member Sunday, offer Get to Know UU sessions, and hold the ritual of signing the collective book at the New Member Service, this year on March 27. If you are exploring CUUF as a spiritual home or want to deepen your relationship with the fellowship, please take a look at the article Pathways to Belonging in this newsletter. In the words of Thich Nhat Hahn, “The larger your beloved community, the more you can accomplish in the world.”
We will be returning to in-person worship in March. Services will be at The Club in Washburn and will also be live-streamed online. Please don’t feel obligated to come in person. If you are not ready to be back in person, or if your health prevents this, we will do our best to provide a high quality and interactive live stream experience as well. We tentatively plan to use this format and location through the end of the service year in May. We will be innovating along the way to keep learning and improving the worship experience for everyone.
March is usually when the sap begins to run, when the black bears birth cubs deep in the den, and the first hues of mud season begin their brown displays. It is when we celebrate National Day of Unplugging (March 2), International Women’s Day (March 8), World Water Day (March 22), and International Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31). It is also the start of the Sacred Season of Activism through UU Ministry for Earth—see uumfe.org for more information.
Wherever this month finds you, with whatever hopes, dreams, or aspirations, remember to go slowly, stay connected, and take it one breath at a time.
In peace,
Time Is Now
As I have been preparing ideas for the February 6 service on our relationship with time, I’ve been reflecting on the time we are in now. It’s February. We spent time in lockdown and isolation trying to control the contagion, and the great efforts and sacrifices saved lives—many of whom we don’t even know. Now we are in a new stage where the variants are so contagious they cannot be controlled, and our leaders are trying to keep disruptions to schools, healthcare, and the economy to a minimum while encouraging vaccines as the best way to prevent serious illness and death. If the models are correct, the omicron variant should have peaked by the time you read this. The steep climb of infections is predicted to be followed by a steep decline. While we let this wave of COVID crash across our lives, we’ll gather virtually for worship services, with a strong hope that we’ll move to all in-person plus live-streamed services starting in March.
All plans are subject to reality.
One of the most typical responses to vulnerability is to shield. This can include numbing (whatever this looks like for each individual) and disconnecting from others. I’d like to encourage you to make February a month of connection. If pandemic time is characterized by isolation, it could also be characterized as the time when we learned new ways to stay connected. Find safe ways to stay connected: call someone on the phone every day, ask a friend or neighbor to have an outdoor driveway chat, be authentically glad to see those at the store or post office, write a card, start a gratitude text exchange, speak to a bird, bake something for someone, send valentines to librarians, healthcare workers, or anyone you’ve appreciated lately. Let’s not wait to connect when it is safer/warmer/happier/easier. What does it mean to embrace the phrase: the time is now?
In care, Stacy Craig
Wellness for 2022
How can one weep for someone one has never met? This is the question that went through my mind as I sobbed reading the news that Archbishop Desmond Tutu had died. He died at the age of 90 on December 26, 2021. Perhaps you have a prophetic voice—a writer, speaker, singer, or even a friend—who has been deeply impactful in your life. For me, it is Desmond Tutu. His work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa and his commitment to restorative justice are things I’ve returned to again and again during times of upheaval and instances of injustice. The thing about Arch, as he was affectionately called, was that he held all sides accountable. What I learned from him was how to stop ‘othering’ and instead consider common humanity. I learned forgiveness. His work has deepened my understanding of collective trauma and inspired the vision for collective healing.
During the month of January, through small groups and in worship, we’ll be exploring intention. Intention is, I believe, living into one’s self and truth no matter the circumstances one is in. Often, I find myself reacting to conditions and allowing this to dictate where my attention goes. Bringing attention back to intention is freeing oneself from being swung around by external forces. I feel being true to his intention of peace and reconciliation is something Desmond Tutu demonstrated and manifested in all aspects of his work. In celebration of his life, work, and joy, and in celebration of all those who carry the intention for peace and reconciliation, I’ve requested to screen Mission Joy: Finding Happiness in Troubled Times on Monday, January 17, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Wellness to you in the New Year! May intention help lead the way into 2022.
This past month, I was reminded of how interwoven our lives are in the Chequamegon Bay. Whether it is the care and wisdom of an elder; showing up wholeheartedly in one’s job, in community service or leadership; or avocations such as music and theater, we take care of one another. Our lives inevitably intersect in profound ways that are, perhaps, only possible in rural settings. The cycle is powerful, perhaps even numinous. For example, the CUUF Board sees stress points and provides problem-solving leadership and care, allowing me and others to adapt and innovate to connect with more people, which in turn allows us to care for those who are caring for others and for us. Sometimes there are flashes of insight and I had this over the last month. This… this… is the possibility of what Rev. Dr. King and others have called Beloved Community.
All of this requires deep connection, which is even more complicated than usual during the ongoing high rates of COVID in our area. As we move forward with planning an in-person holiday service, there is much care and consideration in how to do this to maximize connection and reduce risk. This means we are prioritizing connection over perfection and care over convenience. No one should feel obligated to come in person just because there is an in-person option. We see you, and we’ll do our best to create a livestreamed service that helps you “be in the room” from wherever you are. We hope that the outdoor spiral and outdoor fellowship after the service will provide some middle ground for low-risk connections.
If you or those around you have needs that are not being met, please reach out so we can begin working towards new possibilities. Some of these changes are slow and some are tricky but know there is an enveloping circle of care in this region. Let’s stay resilient, together.
In peace and care,
Stacy Craig
Finding Our Spiritual Foundation
Many people who find a spiritual home with Unitarian Universalism (UU) didn’t grow up in this tradition, and I frequently get the question: where did UU come from? Some traditions, including religious traditions, live in the past. Others forget their roots and are blown into whatever modern fad speaks to them. UU fellowships today look different from where they came from. UU Historian Susan Ritchie believes that to know one’s history is a bit radical for our times as we are often swayed by popular culture. History, she says, helps us preserve identity and what makes us distinct.
American Unitarianism and Universalism began as two separate entities yet they both started in North America. Unitarian’s ancestry can be traced back to a liberal branch of the Puritans who split away. They adopted the Puritan’s radical organizational model: that centralized power corrupts the church and so the laity, the people, through a democratic process, govern and choose their leadership. The people voluntarily contribute funds to the church, which is where the tradition of offering plates arose. There is no higher authority yet churches are affiliated with one another and connected through a larger spiritual covenant.
Some have credited the Unitarians with forming our current system of democracy and while this is likely a stretch, it is clear that Unitarians were influential in developing the democratic process we still use today. We also see many of the early Unitarian traditions in our fellowships today: self-organized, self-governed, and they call their own ministers. Lay leadership is key, the democratic process is used throughout the system to make decisions, while consent, voluntary contributions and covenant inform how they gather.
This early Unitarian split also began articulating the source of truth. The Puritans held the Bible as authority. Unitarian thinkers and writers, including the Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Ellery Channing, began to explore how logic may also be a source of truth, and what is on the inside–what is true to us–could also be a source of truth. Today we see this as well in UU communities, who affirm truth both from outside sources such as science, Jewish and Christian traditions, and humanist writings, along with internal sources of truth such as the voice of consciousness.
Universalism wasn’t a branch that grew off from a tradition, but is likened to a field of wildflowers that popped up around the countryside. Universalism, I would say, was a reframing of what was told as an ultimate truth of the Protestant churches at the time: our souls are eternal and some of us are going to burn in a painful, awful hell forever, and there might be nothing we can do about it. This is, essentially, the Calvinist doctrine of double pre-destination. What became to be known as Universalists were people and communities who said ‘no’ to this supposed truth. Instead, God’s love embraces us all–a universal salvation–and we don’t need the threat of hell because doing good is part of being human. Circuit riders brought this message to rural areas of Pennsylvania and New England, and it took hold in people’s hearts and minds who then formed churches. There is a famous Universalist story that a man named Thomas Potter built a chapel in 1760 because he believed that someone would eventually come to preach a gospel of love. The chapel sat empty for ten years until Potter met John Murray, who had been excommunicated because he believed in an all-loving God. Potter asked Murray to preach at his chapel and Murray declined, saying he was going back to Europe. Potter asked that if the wind didn’t blow and the ship was unable to depart, that Murray would just preach once. The wind didn’t blow, Murray preached to a packed chapel on Sunday morning, and Murray stayed and the first Universalist congregation was founded in the U.S.
The Universalist church was described as a family, and the most confusing thing for members was when they invited someone to join their family and they were refused. Those whom the family symbol resonated with, such as union workers who believed in the brotherhood of man, found Universalist churches to resonate, as a spiritual home.
Using the language of spiritual home and spiritual family is not some feel good cliché, but is actually rooted in this tradition. Unitarian Universalists merged to become a consolidated identity in 1961 and they brought many of their distinct traditions with them but worked to find common ground as well. In the 1980’s, a group of women requested UU principles be reviewed to include gender inclusive language. This opened up a whole process of retelling the story of who we are. Using grassroots, democratic process of engaging congregations and fellowships in study and dialogue, the sources of belief were separated out from the principles. The six sources allow for the plurality and diversity of beliefs, while the seven principles articulate the theological common ground of the UU faith. If there is a shared belief perhaps it is this: by honoring diversity and plurality, we can achieve a unity to heal a fractured world. If this is what you are looking for, welcome home!
Time to Get Back to Normal
How often have I said over the past year, “When things get back to normal…” knowing full well that I do not want to return to many of the ways that things were, nor call them normal. Yet life has a sense of suspended reality to it. It’s difficult to live in the present when everything feels like it is shifting on a continuous basis. As with any change, the challenge is to find a new normal when we aren’t even sure what is possible. I’ve reflected with several people about this topic and we can all find things that we want to be a part of a new normal:
- Daily practice of self-care.
- Daily walk(s), especially exploring one’s own city, roads, or parks.
- Slowing down with family.
- Playing music/singing on a daily basis.
- Investing time and energy into the things that give back to us.
As the Worship Committee met last fall, we began to see a theme emerge in the speakers that were being proposed: they all spoke to what was being unveiled during this time of change. Our speakers in 2021 will engage some of the systems, practices, and opportunities that we may want to consider for a new normal. As we begin a New Year, let us take time to listen to that which calls us to reconnect as a global community whose fate and health are interconnected.
In peace,
Stacy Craig
From the Minister’s Desk: In this Together

From the Minister’s Desk: In this Together
On September 23, I tuned in to the UU the Vote “Gather the Spirit” event. It started with a DJ spinning records as we were reminded that what we are working for—promoting a strong democracy, countering voter suppression, and community organizing—is something to celebrate and should be pleasurable.
There are several goals for UU the Vote but number one is that every person in a UU fellowship across the country will vote. The service included highlights from fellowships which are sending postcards, organizing phone and texting banks, and finding creative ways to reach out to voters. As we heard highlights from around the country, one of the organizers reminded us that a honeybee produces 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. When it feels like goals and challenges are insurmountable, we don’t need to work harder. We need to work together. Take shifts for the revolution.
While I really enjoyed this event, what is gnawing at me right now is that I’ve noticed a growing gulf between neighbors, family members, and friends. I feel like I’m being asked to take sides that I don’t believe in. I feel like everyone is working for a revolution, but we’re not working for the same one. In my bi-monthly column for the Ashland Daily Press, I wrote about how the Enneagram has been helping me to connect to others, and I’ve received a lot of positive feedback from it. Below is an excerpt from the article as I know not everyone gets the paper.
As the U.S. presidential election nears, when our differences can be more divisive than ever, I’ve found working with the Enneagram to be especially helpful in finding connection with others and calm within myself.
The word Enneagram comes from the Greek words Ennea, which means nine, and gram, which means a figure. It describes an ancient figure, one that predates Greek culture, of a diagram with a circle enclosing a nine-pointed star. Many Greek philosophers engaged the Enneagram as a way of talking about the way the ego and soul could become disconnected, or as a way to explain the soul, or elements of our beings that were eternal. The Christian Desert Fathers engaged the Enneagram, as did Islamic mystics, such as Sufis. The ancient symbols and interpretations have made a resurgence in the past fifty years. The current research and application of the Enneagram is similar to Myers-Briggs or other personality tests which help to identify different patterns of thought, feeling, and action. These patterns were created as we developed to help us survive but also to find satisfaction. The Enneagram is based on the premise that there are nine categories which describe our personality patterns and the implications they have for shielding, or protecting, ourselves. To be aware of this is to understand how we relate to times of stress and safety.
One of my professors, John Lee, said to me once that we must know the self to lose the self. We were discussing how the spiritual practice of centering prayer offers an emptying of the self to create a direct connection with the divine. Mystical traditions especially focus on the practices of recognizing the ego self as just one layer of our beings. The Enneagram provides a tool for this self-emptying through self-awareness, which can help us integrate the spiritual aspects of our lives.
After engaging several books and the online tools on The Enneagram Institute’s website, I have concluded that I am a seven. The Enneagram teaches me that I often find distractions, especially pleasureful ones, when I encounter pain or hardship. As I see more hostility on both sides of the political spectrum during election season, I feel myself wanting to change the radio, to change the conversation, to try to make everything better with a good meal and a walk in the woods. Yet I am a spiritual being, one that relies on connection and who knows that we all have a common destiny. While I am intolerant to hate or things that cause another harm, I can use the Enneagram to help me accept differences, to stay curious about others’ thoughts and actions, and to understand my own patterns which lead to disconnection.
Respecting our differences also helps me know how to apply the Platinum Rule: to treat people not as how I would want to be treated, but how they would like to be treated. After all, if there’s one thing we’ve learned this year, it’s that we are all in this together.
Congratulations to Stacy!
Chequamegon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship’s new minister, Stacy Craig, will graduate with high honors on May 3 with a Masters of Divinity, Church Leadership and Religion and Theology, from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in St. Paul, Minnesota. She will be completing a Clinical Pastoral Experience (CPE) this summer as part of that program. This will include working with restorative justice in the prison system and with people working through addiction and recovery through The Recovery Church in St. Paul. A CPE is a supported experience where Stacy will be immersed in difficult work to find her own struggles and to build empathy and pastoral care skills for others while also learning to care for herself while doing difficult work.
Stacy’s course of study at United Theological Seminary has been challenging and inspirational. She has deepened her knowledge, expanded her search for the truth, and made lifelong connections. Her studies, though concluding soon at United Theological, will continue as she pursues the road to ordination over the next couple of years. Though the actual graduation ceremony is delayed until spring of 2021, let’s help Stacy celebrate her huge accomplishment now!