Meeting Guidelines

In order to create a safe space at our meetings, we respectfully ask everyone to abide by the following covenant:
  • To honor the group by authentically sharing our experiences, wonderings, and insights and listen deeply to others;
  • To maintain trust through confidentiality, sharing only our own learnings outside of the group, not anyone else’s story; 
  • To support each other as we explore our lives in this sacred space we create together.

Reconnection Group

If you are looking for a support group, please contact Rev. Stacy Craig at for more information

 ​​UU Women’s Group

UU Women is an informal get together that is open to anyone who identifies as a woman in a way that is significant to them.  Gatherings are usually on the second Sunday of each month at the Washburn Library.

For more information, please contact Jill Lorenz at 715-292-9163.

Science Group Gatherings
10:00 AM Sandbar in Ashland
Last Sunday of Each Month

 All are welcome to come and talk about science. For   more information,  please  contact Mike Bunch at 715-209-5383.

 Soul Matters Discussion Group

Soul Matters is an invitation to explore spiritual themes and develop or hone spiritual practices. Participants receive a monthly packet with reflections, quotes, stories and videos to engage with on their own time, and come together to meet for 1 1/2 hours to share insights and encourage one another in the exploration.  Register:
Facilitator:  Jen Banowetz;  Location:  Washburn Library;  Date & Time:  Second Tuesday of each month, 4 – 5:30 PM.

2024-2025 Theme:  The Practices of Our Faith;  September: Invitation; October:  Deep Listening; November:  Repair; December:  Presence; January: Story; February: Inclusion; March:  Trust; April:  Joy; May:  Imagination; June:  Freedom


New! Meditation and Prayer Group and
Story Preaching Workshop

On ZOOM every Monday evening in February at 7:30 PM  Join Zoom Meeting:

 All are welcome to join together on Monday evenings for a 25-minute session which will include a 10-minute grounding meditation followed by a time to express prayer requests or send loving kindness out to whomever is in need. This is a combined group with the Chequamegon UU Fellowship and UU Fellowship in Chico. No previous meditation experience is required, open to all. Drop in to one or attend all—no registration is needed. Please contact Rev. Stacy with questions. 

Story-based Preaching WorkshopWednesday, March 19 – 1:30-3:00 PM
CUUF Office, #134 in Mead Hall, Northland College

All are welcome to attend a story-based preaching workshop led by Rev. Stacy. Using two different prompts, we will explore how stories help us frame the issues and concerns of our lives and world, how they help us create meaning and find grace, and ultimately, how they inspire hope. This workshop will include art, reflection, and discussion.

RSVPs appreciated to Rev. Stacy, so we have enough supplies: