Caring Committee

This fall the Caring Committee offered three projects for the fellowship to participate.  15 members volunteered to host, wait tables, prepare food and wash dishes for Stone Soup Cafe in Ashland.  Anyone can volunteer – call ahead (715-209-0009) or just show up any Saturday to work for a while and have lunch – paying what you are able. 

We also made a Bayfield/Ashland County Resource Guide available at the welcoming table.  This guide is also available at the Bayfield or Ashland ADRC (Aging and Disabilities Resource Center) offices or for a more updated version online  

The final project brought members together to write holiday greetings for 300 incarcerated UU members of the Church of the Larger Fellowship

Sandy Brue, Committee Chair


Update from General Assembly (GA) 2024

CUUF is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), a covenantal network of UU fellowships from all over the country and world. As a member congregation, we have delegates who vote on our behalf at the mass convergence of Unitarian Universalists, known as General Assembly, which happens in June of each year.

Business Resolution titled “Embracing Transgender, Nonbinary, Intersex, and Gender Diverse People is a Fundamental Expression of UU Religious Values” passed with over 90% support. Business resolutions help direct the work of UUA staff. Please note: reviewing the discussion, which happened in General Session III, around this resolution caused many to experience harm when delegates used their allotted speaking time to disseminate false information. The discussion period closed with a powerful statement of love and affirmation by Rev. JeKaren Olaoya, a beautiful moment to counter a charged and painful discussion.

A full account of General Assembly can be found here:

All are welcome to join the CUUF all peoples choir. Songs selected do not require a lot of singing experience. Rehearsals are on Thursdays 4 to 5 PM prior to each Sunday at the Alvord Theater; and at 9:15AM on the Sunday morning of the service.



Choir Sundays                                                   Rehearsal   

Sunday, Jan. 19                                                   Thurs. Jan. 16  

Sunday, Feb. 16                                                  Thurs. Feb. 13  

Sunday, March 2                                                 Thurs. Feb. 27  

Sunday, April 6                                                    Thurs. Apr. 3  

Sunday, May 4                                                     Thurs. May 1